Tag: Sailing

  • Win Big – Discover How!

    Winning isn’t just for races; it’s for life’s tough spots, too. Learn from a champion sailor how staying cool and trusting yourself turns big scares into big wins. Whether facing waves or tough times, it’s about keeping calm and sailing on. Let’s conquer fears and find our strength together. ๐ŸŽง To hear more inspiring stories,…

  • Shedding Expectations

    Join Dr. Mandi as she shares her wild sail from Key West to San Diego. Without the tech we rely on today, she navigated with hand-drawn maps, faced changing landscapes, and adapted to find simple groceries in Central America. It’s a story of letting goโ€”of perfection, of detailed plans, and embracing the adventure of everyday…

  • Mastering Resilience

    Life’s like sailboat racing – full of ups and downs. What matters is bouncing back from the bad days, just like discarding a race’s worst score. Remember, every setback is a chance to come back stronger. Embrace each challenge, push forward, and let resilience be your strength. Keep sailing, keep winning. Connect with Dr. Mandi!…

  • Beyond Gymnastics

    Like Dr. Mandi, we’ve all faced losses that felt like the end. But through her shift from gymnastics to sailing, she found a new passion, showing us that when one door closes, another opens. Let her story inspire you to find beauty in change and courage in new beginnings. Connect with Dr. Mandi! | Instagram…

  • Best Teacher

    Join us on ‘The Best Teachers Had to Struggle’ where Dr. Mandi, a world-champion sailor, shares a unique perspective on learning and teaching. Discover how those who struggle to learn often become the best teachers, mastering the art of breaking down complex tasks into understandable steps. Embrace your struggles as teaching tools. Connect with Dr.…

  • Journey of Discovery

    Join Dr. Mandi as she recounts her transformative sailboat adventure through Central America, encountering pirates, wildlife, and deep-sea dangers. This journey of disconnection led to profound self-discovery, challenging her to embrace life’s simplicity away from societal pressures. Dive into her tales of resilience and revelations about life’s true pace and beauty. Connect with Dr. Mandi!…