Tag: passion

  • Hidden Insecurities of Confidence

    In this podcast, let’s talk about the psychology behind overconfident individuals who force their ideas and unsolicited advice onto others. Often, these behaviors stem from their own insecurities and personal traumas. By examining our own experiences and passions, we gain insight into why we champion certain causes and how our past influences our current viewpoints.…

  • I’m Scared To Fail

    Embrace the start, fearlessly. Life’s journey is about exploring paths, not fearing the end before we begin. Every step, every start, leads us closer to where we’re meant to be—embracing change, cherishing freedom. You’re not bound to one path forever; the beauty lies in the freedom to choose, to grow, and to pivot as we…

  • Authentic Freedom

    Join Dr. Mandi as she explores the crossroads of life, guiding you to discover your true passions. Feel the power of choice and the thrill of paths untaken. With her, find clarity in chaos and turn decision points into gateways of freedom. Your journey to living fully, inspired by Mandi’s own, starts here. Connect with…

  • Beyond Gymnastics

    Like Dr. Mandi, we’ve all faced losses that felt like the end. But through her shift from gymnastics to sailing, she found a new passion, showing us that when one door closes, another opens. Let her story inspire you to find beauty in change and courage in new beginnings. Connect with Dr. Mandi! | Instagram…