Tag: Authentic Self

  • Healing Every Little Thing

    Ready to get real about healing? In this episode, we get into the nitty-gritty of what healing really means. It’s all about recognizing those triggers—those reactions and behaviors that take us away from our true selves. We’ll share personal stories and insights on why triggers happen and how to face them with curiosity, not shame.…

  • How Substances Steer Your Life

    Is something controlling you? Explore the deep impact that substances like drugs and alcohol have on our everyday choices. 🕵️‍♂️ In our newest podcast, we talk about how to cut the stickiness and regain control over your life decisions. It’s not about cutting everything out, but about understanding and minimizing their influence to act with…

  • The Continuous Journey to Freedom: Taking Back Your Power

    In this episode, we talk about freedom as a constant journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Learn how to recognize and reclaim the power you’ve given away to people, situations, or substances. Understand that true freedom isn’t a one-time fix but a continuous process of checking where you invest your energy to ensure you’re making choices…

  • Guides Over Gurus

    Dr. Mandi’s wisdom echoes through the coaching world. In her words, it’s not about boasting but guiding. Just as she bravely embraced her true self, seek mentors who uplift, not overpower. Let’s journey together, empowering each other’s growth. Connect with Dr. Mandi! | Instagram | www.instagram.com/dr.mandirose/| TikTok | www.tiktok.com/@dr.mandirose| Facebook | www.facebook.com/doctormandirose| YouTube | www.youtube.com/@Dr.MandiRose|…