Tag: Adventure

  • Whispers of Fate: The Path Revisited

    In this episode, Dr. Mandi delves into the nuanced struggle between recognizing the need for help and relying on one’s own judgment and intuition, particularly in the business realm. She reflects on her personal journey of fluctuating between seeking assistance and asserting independence, highlighting the importance of striking a balance. Through her narrative, she discusses…

  • I Left My Home Country

    Have you ever dreamed of a life where every decision leads you closer to your true self? Dr. Mandi took that leap, moving to the Cayman Islands, not just for the sunshine, but to find a community of like-minded souls. Her journey, filled with challenges and new beginnings, speaks to anyone who’s ever wanted to…

  • Shedding Expectations

    Join Dr. Mandi as she shares her wild sail from Key West to San Diego. Without the tech we rely on today, she navigated with hand-drawn maps, faced changing landscapes, and adapted to find simple groceries in Central America. It’s a story of letting goโ€”of perfection, of detailed plans, and embracing the adventure of everyday…

  • Beyond Gymnastics

    Like Dr. Mandi, we’ve all faced losses that felt like the end. But through her shift from gymnastics to sailing, she found a new passion, showing us that when one door closes, another opens. Let her story inspire you to find beauty in change and courage in new beginnings. Connect with Dr. Mandi! | Instagram…

  • Journey of Discovery

    Join Dr. Mandi as she recounts her transformative sailboat adventure through Central America, encountering pirates, wildlife, and deep-sea dangers. This journey of disconnection led to profound self-discovery, challenging her to embrace life’s simplicity away from societal pressures. Dive into her tales of resilience and revelations about life’s true pace and beauty. Connect with Dr. Mandi!…